Friday, September 13, 2013

Hetalia: Life on a ship.

So, people are always mistaking my friend and me for sisters, sometimes even twins, so I've kinda started to think that way when it comes to cosplay too. Years ago when we were just getting into cosplay, we thought it would be really neat to do Hetalia. My friend would make a pretty cute Italy (goodness knows she was bubbly enough), and her boyfriend practically WAS Germany!
We ended up going with a Fruits Basket cosplay instead though.

But it got me thinking. Recently She has been pretty emotional and sometimes breaks and cries kinda like Italy does, which reminded me of that cosplay idea. Wait... wouldn't that make me Romano then?
I glanced in the mirror and realized that in the way I had cut my hair, I could pull of NyoRomano really easily.  Well that would work out pretty well then, and her boyfriend can cosplay as Germany and everything will just turn out gre-...but her boyfriend is Spain...

There's really no other way you can get around it... He speaks Spanish, he has Spain's hair, he plays the guitar, he's bubbly and really stupidly happy most of the time...
 So... Italy is dating Spain? That completely goes against my ships though! I admit that I sometimes have a difficult time differentiating between anime canon/fanon and my actual life. Sometimes a little anime surge is enough to make me forget I am not part of a ship and that I shouldn't make my decisions based on a fictional relationship and canon...
So looking here and thinking of the natural spamano that should be happening is weird enough, with the following thought, well since Italy and Spain are already dating in my reality, it wouldn't be too weird if all three of them were together...
You might think the weirdness stops there... but you'd be wrong.
It get's even more peculiar when you take into account the fact that all three of us had dated. No joke! For at least 5 months, all three of us were in a dating relationship with each other. 

The more I think on it actually, the more I realize that the situation in the picture to the right ---> is exactly the relationship we were in. And I don't realize it till 3ish months later. what a coincidence, eh?

Just to throw another interesting curve-ball into the picture before I wrap up: While searching for pictures of Spain, I found this picture below. 
Would you believe me if I told you that I sometimes accompany him on violin when he is performing on guitar?   

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