Sunday, September 15, 2013

Hetalia: Italy Afterthought

Since I just wrote the previous blog post yesterday, the topic was still on my  mind. So as I was sitting in the car with my friend driving to the mall, I began to wonder why it was that her relationship with her previous boyfriend ended. If they were so like the hetalia pairing we all love, then why on earth didn't it work out? She's Italy, and he is Germany. Gerita right?!
Then I realized: she began to wizen up to the world. My humor was pretty dark back then and hers followed suit. So imagine this with me: Italy's humor starts to get dark. Now what have you?

That's right. 2p. She began to turn into 2p Italy.

Now just how well do you think 2p Italy and 1p Germany would get along?... Where 1p Italy is innocent and sweet, 2p is on to the cruelties of the world and has a rather cynical approach to how to deal with it. Of course that doesn't stop 2p from having fun, oh no.

The problem now was that Germany really didn't approve of  her new interests. He didn't get her sense of humor and actually openly disproved of the way she viewed the world now. He never seemed to get that she wasn't 1p anymore...
At odds, it's no wonder their relationship didn't last.
Lol, sudden thought: Spain was a pirate so it totally makes sense that their relationship works. He's seen  enough of the world that he knows it isn't a good place, and still he makes the most of it. And maybe that's what drew them together.

I can't help but wonder though, wouldn't she be happier with a 2p Germany? There has to be one out there.

But who knows. Spain is kind. So maybe it is better. 
Won't keep me from internally shipping my ships though :p

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