Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Hetalia: Hair curls

Nothing like having a mirror
and cell at the ready when your
hair decides in between college
classes is the perfect time to
defy reasonable hair codes
and gravitational laws.
Perhaps it started after I switched shampoo and conditioner combinations or perhaps it was after I started cosplaying. We may never know. What we do know is that my hair has taken up the tendency to defy gravity in the most interesting ways.
Unfortunately most all of the cameras I own have disappeared in the move, so I can't offer many pictures of the gravity defying acts in the act, however I can offer anime visual representations of the curls of which I shall speak. I'm sure having looked over the previous posts and then picking up on the key word(s) gravity defying curls, you have some idea of what I am about to launch into.


Hetalia Curls! 
The Erogenous areas of our beloved countries. While mine aren't in the least bit erogenous, admittedly I will probably react in some way if you yank on them, responding with some form of negativity such as yelling and violence. So be warned. 

Where was I?
Right! Gravity defying Hetalia hair!
When the idea of writing this post first popped into my head 3 months ago, to me the curls were still new. Neat, and sparse enough to elicit excitement whenever they greeted me in the morning. Now however, they are regular enough that they are met with a smile and uplift of mood, but hardly the spark of excitement as before. it's almost everyday now. "What country will I be next?" I will wonder. 
You might think, "No big deal." Italy curls are pretty easy to achieve after all. It's just a simple everyday curl, whether under or over. Same pretty much goes for Greece and Grandpa Rome. 

Now that I had bangs, occasionally I would even get America's Nantucket.

But what's truly exciting though is when my hair conforms to curls that are actually really hard to form, and should be impossible to achieve naturally. Take Canada's for instance! That curl is so unlikely, most fan-artists have taken to playing ti down to make it more realistic.
 Nope here we are talking about the full large Loop-de-loop! It's possible peeps! I've woken up with it! 
Yeah! I went there! Dudes, I was so syched I had to show everyone. Most people didn't get the significance of having Canada's curl, as most didn't know Hetalia and only saw hair that needed to be brushed. Well I wasn't having any of that. I fangirl spazzed my way through that day. Sure I combed down the rest of it but I got2b glued that curl the heck into place. 

I was Canada for the day! 

Another unlikely curl is Taiwan's. This girl's curl is ridiculously hard to achieve even with product. You've got to bend it, spray it, Bend it, spray it, bend it, spray it, then curl it! Goodness knows I attempted it enough while cosplaying as her to know how ridiculous it is! And even after I got it right, the heat from the day straightened it right out.
So it's impossible.
Of course it's impossible! Have you Freaking looked at it?!
So naturally I wake up one morning with one.
No joke. Kinks, curls, the whole shabang! I don't know if it's that my hair is working to hard, or Tinker bell is having a sparkle party while I sleep... But what shouldn't be possible, repeatedly is so. 

*Sigh*. While I can show my brother and he gets it, and I can text my friends my excitement, and they kinda get it, the majority of people I see when my hair gets really fantastalia, have no idea. Oh the sadness weeps my heart. 
Well. In any case, I figured I would share. 

Lol you guys have no idea the amount of nsfw images I had to filter through to find the images for this particular post. or then again, maybe you would.

                                                                 Peace out!