Monday, October 7, 2013

The Art of Constant Cosplay

Recently I have been trying to think of other coincidences or neat anime blips that I could share here, but of course, whenever you try to think of something like that, it evades the heck out of you. Well I got one for you: Impromptu random cosplay!
There I was reading fan-fiction while painting my toenails (ever since I took off the Soul Eater Medusa design, they have seemed a little bare) when I remembered that the jello I had stuck in the fridge hours before should be done. So with one foot not yet dry, I take off on a journey to the kitchen. with one foot still wet it's not like I can just walk in there; oh no, that would be too simple! So, tucking one behind the other knee, I go jumping along. After running into the second wall I realized that I looked silly. While I could just walk normally, I have gotten into the habit of being lazy and just justifying whatever random crap I come up with. So suddenly my journey to get jello turned into cosplay. I was no longer just a college student fearlessly fighting jello starvation!

No! Now I was a lamp post!

I know what you are maybe thinking. A lamp post?
Yes, random person, a lamp post. Instantly I felt more sure of myself; more confident in what I was doing; sure that I could take the world! Okay so maybe not that much enthusiasm. But I most certainly did start hopping with more spirited vigor.

Returning to my seat with plate of jello in hand it occurred to me that this wasn't the first time this week random cosplay has taken front seat  in my actions.
In the lively downtown of our dear college town, in the midst of clubbing, drinking and the college patying, lies is a certain shop. out of the way from the typical hustle and bustle of the late Friday night, smoke curls into the rafters, mingling and shaping the darkness surrounding the man behind the counter. The man waits. waits for your order. He will not sell you food, nor a drink. but a bottle of smoke. For this place is a Hookah Lounge!
That's right! flavored smoke for sale!
Now I am actually against smoking.... and drinking... and drugs... dude, I don't even take Advil or Tylenol.Not for other people, just for  myself.
Anyway, here I found myself in this  hookah lounge quite out of place. and feeling rather uncomfortable and out of place as my friends took turns blowing out the flavored smoke in puffs, bubbles, and streams. After a while I realized that this was actually an experience that not only amused me, but had me terribly curious.  so finally I was all like, "Give me that thing!" so with the tube in hand I leaned back in the couch. No longer sitting stiffly, I crossed my legs and lounged back. I pulled the sweet smoke into my mouth, the airy fumes coiling around my tongue and cheeks. with a slow exhale I let the smoke escape. The trail of smoke curled in on itself in a spiral before wafting up to the ceiling...
I hope you follow where this is going. 
 Okay, so it didn't actually form into a spiral... but it sure did in my head! I was also continuously disappointed when no matter how hard I tried I couldn't get the smoke to take on the shape of a ship. And gosh darn I tried! I did however manage the dragon effect; by getting the smoke to split going out and up on either side of my mouth. Really fun and neat... Although, once they turned off the good cultural music and switched to deafening club music with strobe lights, the experience grew old fast.

Speaking of ships, I'm looking into new Hetalia ones that I had never considered before. I have no idea what I think of them so far... But  maybe I'll post something about them later.